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100th Power Hour Special | Give Away Winners!


Live webinars on pilot training

Invitations and Reminders Sent Via Email.

Hour Long
FREE Training.

Every Saturday

12pm ET

Hi Everyone!

Mike and I would like to thank you for the Compliments and Appreciation we received this past weekend.

With your help, we've managed to successfully provide over 100hrs of Instructional Flight Training content to Pilots and Educators everywhere!

This wouldn't have been possible without your weekly attendance, feedback, and encouragement...

That said, let's get into the good stuff!

A Day in the Life of a Flight Instructor:

Click to Download the Outline and Bonuses!

1. Why people want to do it. Second career, helping out, building time.

2. What it takes. Commercial Pilot Certificate with an Instrument Rating. Specific training from a qualified flight instructor 61.195(h). Two knowledge tests, FOI and FIA, and a practical test (checkride).

3. One of the most difficult and longest checkrides.

4. Requires an additional designation to give the tests. FIE (Flight Instructor Examiner).

5. 141 vs 61 Instructor/Student Environment.

6. Feast or Famine.

7. Being a people person and practical psychologist.

8. Starts out super fun. Progresses to creature comforts and scheduling.

9. Flights 7am to 9am and from 4pm to 9pm.

10. It becomes a word of mouth advertising game. You can get super busy.

11. Seasonal - "Winter is Coming".

12. Everyone is the same, right?

13. Becoming a specialist. Finding a niche.

14. Liability concerns.

15. A typical day. What is it like?

16. What is on the CFIs mind vs., the students?

17. How can I do it?

18. How much can you make? How much do I have to pay?

As always, we are extremely appreciative of the feedback and recommendations we receive for future lessons.

We're excited to continue moving forward toward our 200th Show!

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  • Want Access to some of the Previous Recorded Power Hour Lessons for FREE?

Until next time,


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