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CFII PTS and IFR ACS | Aids to help master your CFII Checkride


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The CFII PTS - Instrument practical test standards book was published to establish standards for Instrument rating practical test for airplanes. DPE's will use this book to conduct practical test in compliance with those standards. During training, students should reference to the CFII PTS in preparation for the Certified Flight Instructor Instrument Rating Practical test. (PTS CFII)


Click to download the CFII PTS Now.



  1. Identifying the training, endorsements and testing requirements.

  2. Differences between the ACS and PTS

  3. When are the rest of the ACS’ to replace the current PTS’?

  4. Instrument rating training requirements - FAR 61.65

  5. Legal interpretation - The 3 required approaches for the IFR XC DO NOT need to use three different navigation systems. Just 3 different kinds of approaches. There is a recent legal interpretation on this.

  6. The IFR XC does NOT have to be 250nm straight line distance, it's just the total route that needs to be 250nm. Record the route in the remarks section of the logbook to avoid issues with distances.

  7. Pursuing a Commercial Certificate next? Make sure the required Instrument Training in FAR 61.129(a)(3)(i) is logged simultaneously with FAR 61.65(c)(1-8 as appropriate). In the remarks section, address both regulations to avoid uncertainty.

  8. Identify the training, endorsements, and testing requirements for an instrument rating. Training - FAR 61.65 both aeronautical knowledge (b), flight proficiency (c), aeronautical experience (d).

  9. Identify the required endorsements - AC 61-65H - A.38 if a CFII gave the ground, otherwise A.82, A.39 and A.40.

  10. Identify the testing requirements - Instrument Rating Airplane ACS - All tasks are required. Be sure to look at the notes in each certain Tasks!

  11. Important notes - Two non-precision approaches required, one with a procedure turn or TAA and no radar vectors, one with loss of primary flight instruments/display and the loss of an autopilot. The loss of autopilot can be combined with either task.

  12. Circling approach is required to the base or downwind of the runway circling to.

  13. Flight Instructor Instrument Airplane PTS

  14. Special emphasis areas.

  15. Two to three approaches required.

  16. MUST use the recommended hold entry.

  17. 6 things you can do with the CFII -

    • Instrument rating training and recommendations

    • IPC

    • CFII training and recommendations

    • Ground instructor recency of experience endorsement

    • Initial CFII training and recommendations if qualified.

    • The 10 hours of Instrument Training required for the Commercial Certificate FAR 61.129(a)(3)(i).

  1. Identify training - FAR 61.191 refers back to 61.183(a)(b)(c)(2)(iv), 61.183(f) - FII knowledge test. Aeronautical knowledge 61.185(a)(3) which points to 61.65(b)(1 - 10). Flight proficiency 61.187(b)(7)(i - x).

  2. Identify endorsements - AC 61-65H - A.44 and A1 and possibly A.2 if the knowledge test is less than 100%.

  3. Identify testing requirements - Flight Instructor Instrument PTS (PTS CFII) page 20 - Addition of an instrument instructor rating to a flight instructor certificate table. If a regular CFI, then you hold AP. The required areas of operations are listed in the table. READ THE NOTES in the Precision and Non-Precision approaches areas of operation and also Pages 8-10, and 19.

    • Bonus content: What part of the approach must be IMC before the approach can be counted towards 61.57? Past the FAF or FAP, the rest could be VFR - Legal interpretation on this.

    • Bonus content: How far must the approach be taken to before it can count toward 61.57? To DA or the Missed approach point or to a landing.

      • It does count if the controller breaks off the approach for you early. Legal interpretation on this as well.


PTS CFII - Areas of Operation are as follows:

The Fundamentals of Instruction

  • Learning Process

  • Human Behavior and Effective Communication

  • Teaching Process

  • Teaching Methods

  • Critique and Evaluation

  • Flight Instructor Characteristics and Responsibilities

  • Planning Instructional Activity

Use our CFI Workbook can help cement your understanding of the FOI

Technical Subject Areas

  • Aircraft Flight Instruments and Navigation Equipment

  • AeromedicalFactors

  • Regulations and Publications Related to IFR Operations

  • Logbook Entries Related to Instrument Instruction

Preflight Preparation

  • WeatherInformation

  • Cross-Country Flight Planning

  • Instrument Cockpit Check

Preflight lesson on a maneuver to be preformed

  • Maneuver Lesson

Air traffic control clearances and procedures

  • Air Traffic Control Clearances

  • Compliance With Departure, En Route, and Arrival Procedures and Clearances

Flight by reference to instruments

  • Straight-and-LevelFlight

  • Turns

  • Change of Airspeed in Straight-and-Level and Turning

  • Flight

  • Constant Airspeed Climbs and Descents

  • Constant Rate Climbs and Descents

  • Timed Turns to Magnetic Compass Headings

  • Steep Turns

  • Recovery From Unusual Flight Attitudes

Navigation Systems

  • Intercepting and Tracking Navigational Systems and

  • DME Arcs

  • Holding Procedures

Instrument Approach Procedures

  • Non precision Instrument Approach

  • PrecisionInstrumentApproach

  • MissedApproach

  • CirclingApproach(Airplane)

  • Landing From a Straight-In Approach

Emergency Operations

  • Loss of Communications

  • Approach With Loss of Primary Flight Instrument

  • Indicators

  • Engine Failure During Straight-and-Level Flight and Turns

  • Instrument Approach—One Engine Inoperative

Post flight Procedures

  • Checking Instruments and Equipment


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