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Let us save you from an enormous amount of pain. Every student at CFI Bootcamp uses this CFI Workbook and it's been refined over the years and has become the most effective workbook resource to flight instructors everywhere. Our CFI Workbook is constructed in a logical order to cover the Fundamentals of Instruction and technical subject areas.

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Our CFI Workbook has been created in such a way that provides for a quick and easy navigation method through sections of the Fundamentals of Instruction and other technical subject areas. With a single click, you can input values, and maneuver seamlessly throughout the resource.
The Problem:
How do you test yourself once you've read or watched a video on a topic like the Fundamentals of Instruction - Human Behavior? Finding and using a reputable resource to cement your understanding can be extremely difficult. Worry no more! We've developed the "Perfect" training resource.
The Solution:
Our CFI Workbook follows each chapter of the Fundamentals of Instruction and provides scenario questions, study questions, and assessment questions along with crosswords, fill in the blank, and matching puzzles to help ground the FOI into your head. It also has chapters on Regulations and Endorsements, Aerodynamics, Airspace and much more...
Learn how to prepare for the
Fundamentals of Instruction Oral Exam.
The Fundamentals of Instruction cover key psychology areas that apply to not only aviation, but all levels, and types of education. Understanding these psychology principles are essential to successfully providing adequate instruction to learners.
Risk Managment:
Is the probability and possible severity of an accident or loss from exposure to various hazards including injury to people and loss of resources. Risk managment is a decision making process that an instructor must always be consciously aware of that is designed to identify hazards systematically, and determine the best course of action for the best outcome.
Some key topics with-in Risk Management are as follows:
Risk Management Process
Risk Management Principles
Mitigating Risk
Use our CFI Workbook to Cement your understanding of Risk Managment.
Human Behavior:
As an instructor, the foundation of successfully being able to begin the teaching process is understanding how people learn, and why people act in the manners that they do. By understanding these basic principles an instructor is then able to being teaching.
By covering topics such as the Human Behavior, Human Needs and Motivation, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Motivation, Human Inhibiting Learning Factors, and Emotional Reactions an instructor can ensure this topic with-in the Fundamentals of Instruction is covered adequately.
Some key topics with-in Human Behavior are as follow:
Human Needs and Motivation
Human Factors that Inhibit Learning
Teaching the Adult Student
Use our FOI Chapter Notes to Cement your understanding of Human Behavior.
Learning process:
The way in such learners acquire skills and knowledge. The framework of the Learning Process is achieved by using one or more of the four fundamental learning Theories. Behaviorism, Cognitive, Information Processing, and Constructivism theory. In re-turn learning is achieved though the six levels of Blooms Taxonomy. When an instructor has successfully demonstrated that they understand the six Learning classification an instructor can test and or develop teaching aids around the six levels to transfer the information to the learner.
Some key topics with-in this chapter of the learning process are as follows:
Learning Theory
Acquiring Knowledge
Laws of Learning
Characteristics of Learning
Acquiring Skill Knowledge
Transfer of Learning.
Use our Fundamentals of Instructing Online Course to Cement your understanding of the Learning Process.
Effective communication:
When an individual conveys an idea(s) and or feelings to another person or group of people communication is taking place. The communication that is taking place however is only as effective as how the idea(s) and or feelings are being received. This skill is essential for an instructor to acquire, without it one is unable to effectively teach a learner.
Some key topics with-in Effective communication are as follow:
Basic Elements of Communication
Barriers to Effective Communication
Developing Communication Skills
Use our CFI Workbook to Cement your understanding of Effective Communication.
The Teaching Process:
Teaching is having a high level of experience and being able to select meaningful guided content delivered by a lesson in which the learner(s) are curious, encoded with good knowledge, and then assessed for appropriate level(s) of knowledge and understanding.
Some key topics with-in The Teaching Process are as follows:
Essential Teaching Skills
Organization of Material
Preparation of a lesson
Presentation of a lesson
Training Delivery Methods
Use our CFI Workbook to Cement your understanding of the Teaching Process.
It is essential that a flight instructor is able to adequately assess the learner(s) comprehension of the information that was provided. It is the instructors responsibility to evaluate the performance of the learner(s) progression in order to give guidance, improvement strategies, and positive feedback. By using different styles of assessments such as the Traditional and Authentic assessments, an instructor can best tailor the learning objective and critique the learner(s) for a positive outcome.
Some key topics with-in The Teaching Process are as follows:
Assessment Terminology
Purpose of Assessments
Assessment Types
Critiquing the Learner(s)
Use our CFI Workbook to Cement your understanding of Effective Communication.
Planning Instructional Activities:
After an instructor has demonstrated he or she has satisfied the understanding of Human Behavior, the Learning Processes, Effective Communication, and Assessments, a well planned and organized outline of what will be taught in a single instructional period is then essential for a constructive academic or ground lesson outcome.
Some key topics with-in Planning Instructional Activities are as follows:
Characteristics of a well planned lesson
How to use a lesson plan properly
Lesson plan formats
Use our CFI Workbook to Cement your understanding of Planning Instructional Activities.
Instructor Responsibilities and Professionalism:
The main role of a flight instructor is to teach. Instructors help provide crucial feedback to ensure the learner(s) meet and exceed pre-determined standards. An instructor should always be helping the learner(s), be providing adequate instruction, setting the correct expectations, emphasizing the positives, and minimizing frustration.
Some key topics with-in Instructor Responsibilities and professionalism are as follow:
Aviation Instructors Responsibilities
Pilot Resource Management
Aviator's Code of Conduct
Professionalism - Do's and Do nots
Evaluation of Students Ability
Flight Instructor Techniques:
An instructor must recognize that students learn from observing others. A flight instructor must act as a mentor and model safe and professional behavior inside and outside the aircraft at all times. They must be thoroughly familiar with the functions, characteristics, proper use of the flight instruments, avionics, and other aircraft systems used for training.
Some key topics with-in Flight Instructor Techniques are as follows:
Demonstrating Performance Training Delivery Methods
Positive exchange of controls
Sterile cockpit rule
Integrated Flight Instruction
Aeronautical DecisionMaking
Workload managment
Use our CFI Workbook to Cement your understanding of Flight Instructor Techniques.