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Instrument Flight Instructor 
Lesson Plans

First Edition

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CFII Lesson Plans iPhone
CFII Lesson Plans

Developed to be printed and bound.

Stop Wasting an
Enormous Amount of Time.

Vetted Industry Leading IFR Lesson Plans.

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CFII Lesson Plans

Developed by Industry Leaders.

Save Hours, Days, Weeks, and Even Months.


Let us save you from an enormous amount of pain. We use these with every student at CFI Bootcamp and they've been refined over the years and have become the most effective IFR Lesson Plan resource to flight instructors anywhere. These IFR Lesson Plans cover every area of operation for both the Flight Instructor Instrument Airplane PTS and the knowledge areas for the Instrument Airplane ACS.



Worried about updates after purchasing our IFR Lesson Plans?  Worry no more, after purchase, you will have access to the most up-to-date IFR Lesson Plans and any revisions for a year. 

Key Features of Our IFR Lesson Plans.

Interactive Table of Contents 
and Bookmarks. 


Our IFR Lesson Plans are created in a way that provides quick navigation to the lesson you want to teach.  Every task in both the instrument Airplane PTS and Instrument Airplane ACS are easily accessed. 

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Using IFR Lesson Plans Correctly.

Read and do exactly what is described. (This method works if it's been a while, or you are a newly minted CFII).

Use it as a checklist.  Read the elements of the lesson plan in order. 

These CFII Lesson Plans include many references such as specific FAR's, Chapter of the AIM, and so on. They are built into the lesson plan, so you don't have to look them up. 

What are CFII Lesson Plans? 

IFR Lesson Plans are the backbone of Instrument Flight Training. By using a complete set of CFII Lesson Plans a Flight Instructor can ensure the transfer of knowledge to the student is impactful and meaningful. Concrete CFII Lesson Plans also provide a systematic approach to prepare and present a lesson during the practical test (Checkride). It is crucial that an instructor possesses the correct set of IFR Lesson Plans that will guide a ground an or Flight Lesson thoroughly, and to completion. 

We have provided training for:

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Rebecca. D

Plug and play, everything was already done for me. It's very convenient that they are editable. I was able to use them for a studying tool and for my Checkride. Passed First Time! 


Rick. E

I wanted to say thank you for the content and resources in the CFI Bootcamp products. It helped me to be well prepared for the ground portion of the CFI Practical. The content is great for the test and the real world.


Carley. T

More than got my moneys worth.  Passed on the first attempt.

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