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Review of Orders for DPEs

FAA Order 8000.95C

FAA Order 8900.2C


  1. Part 61 FARs

    • This section references the FAA’s Federal Aviation Regulations under Part 61, which govern the certification of pilots and flight instructors, as well as the standards for conducting practical flight tests and the duties of Designated Pilot Examiners (DPEs).

  2. Why do I want to know about this?

    • This section highlights the importance of understanding what DPEs must do, in order to ensure proper preparation for your student. It emphasizes the responsibility of DPEs to verify all necessary documentation and requirements in a timely manner.

  3. 25% of Practical Tests Never Start Due to Missing Items/Not Qualified

    • A key point stressing that a significant number of practical tests are canceled due to incomplete paperwork or a failure to meet required qualifications.

  4. The DPE Should Verify Everything in Enough Time to Fix It

    • This emphasizes the role of the DPE in verifying all documents, certifications, and requirements well ahead of time so that any issues can be addressed before the test begins.

  5. The CFI Should Be Present/Available at the Time of the Practical Test

    • Discusses the importance of having the Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) available during the practical test to answer questions or resolve issues that might arise.

  6. Endorsements and Scenarios and Ultimate Guide to Endorsements Books from CFI Bootcamp

    • This references resources available to CFIs to help them navigate endorsement scenarios, particularly helpful in ensuring their students are ready for their practical tests.

  7. Orders and National Policy

    • FAA Orders: Explains the two primary FAA orders that address DPE responsibilities:

      • 8900.95C – Designee Management Policy

      • 8900.2C – General Aviation Airman Designee Handbook

  8. How CFIs and Applicants Can Use the Orders

    • Qualifying Applicants: CFIs and applicants can use 8900.2 to ensure the applicant meets all necessary requirements, such as medical certificates and required endorsements.

    • Flight Instructor Practical Test – Reinstatement or ROE Tests: Covers specific regulations regarding medical and BasicMed requirements for instructors during practical tests.

    • Prerequisites for Practical Tests: Cites 61.39(a)(4) and 61.23(b)(7) to clarify the medical certificate requirements for applicants and CFIs, especially for instructor tests.

  9. What About the DPE’s Role as PIC (Pilot in Command)?

    • Discusses the potential role of the DPE as the Pilot in Command during practical tests, including the requirement for prior arrangement with the applicant (61.47(b)(1)). It also mentions the FAA's guidance in 8900.2C, which strongly discourages this practice but allows it under certain circumstances.

  10. Discontinuances and Disapprovals

    • Describes the procedures and time frames for discontinuing or disapproving a practical test, citing FAR 61.43(f)(1) and (2), which state the 60-day period for such actions.

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