Online Course Portal
Power Hour Lesson Outlines
A catalog of outlines provided as a resource during CFI Bootcamp's weekly live Power Hour Lessons. These outlines cover everything general aviation related. Private Pilot, Commercial, Instrument, CFI, CFI-I, Multi-Engine, and more...
Explore Our Custom
Curated Documents.
Discover our Complete Catalog of Training Guides and Resources. The Ultimate CFI Resource Bin.

Bootcamp +
Flight Training The Way I See It
Premium resource outlet aviation focused. Video content, podcast, downloadable resource guides, and more...
"Flight Training The Way I See It" is a Podcast Covering Essential News, Regulation Changes, Training Tips to Improve your Flying, and Opinion on a variety of issues. Hosted by Mike Shiflett, Director of Training
at CFI Bootcamp...
CFI Bootcamp Newletter
Defining Airspace Classes
Stay current with up-to-date information from major conferences, regulation changes, FAA news, and Bootcamp products.
Having difficulty interpreting airspace classes? Use this resource to grasp the fundamentals of Aeronautical charts. Inside we break down each airspace into visually appealing and easy to read terminology.
CFI Lesson Plans
Are you tired of spending copious amounts of time and feeling overwhelmed building your Lesson Plans? Here' we've created and give you insight into our Industry Leading CFI Lesson Plans.
CFII Lesson Plans
Read and do exactly what is described. These IFR Lesson Plans cover every area of operating for both the Flight instructor Airplane PTS and the knowledge areas for the Instrument Airplane ACS.
CFI Workbook
Master the Fundamentals of Instruction. Our CFI workbook is an interactive PDF delivered resource that will cement your core understanding of not only the FOI, but other technical subject areas...
Authorized Training Locations
CFI Bootcamp and our curriculum is now being offered at numerous flight schools across the nation. With our proven system you'll be able to continue your training at an authorized Bootcamp training facility.
Contact Us
Have questions regarding our program? Do you have a topic you'd like us to cover? Looking to offer CFI Bootcamp's training curriculum at your flight school? Reach out, we'd love to hear from you.