Setting the
CFI Training Standard
A Proven Training System Replicated by No Other.
Solidfy your Confidence, and become an Industry Standard Flight Instructor.
Nationally and Globally Recognized.
Our CFI Training system has proclaimed results, that has gathered the attention of flight schools, aviation organizations like AOPA, SAFE, and students everywhere. You can access our 100% Online CFI Course from anywhere in the world, and by offering it as a Self-Paced alternative, you are able to digest the enormous amount of information at your own pace. There has never been a more convenient pathway to study for your Initial Flight Instructor Certificate.
Industry Leading Staff and Experience.
Fortunately, unlike other CFI Training programs, CFI Bootcamp's staff is constructed of the industry's most experienced educators. This spreads further than just inside the United States. By attending, you will gather insight from aviation's elite educators and mentors. In turn, we assure you that your experience and training will be constructive towards becoming a fully equiped to teach Flight Instructor.
Locations Offered.
Our students have the luxury of completing their CFI Training between three locations. Palo Alto, California, Miami, Florida, and or Virtually. Both in-person campuses offer complete comprehensive flight and ground CFI Training.

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40-Hours | Academic and Practical Enhancement.
Video based course.
Interactive CFI Workbook.
CFI Self Study Guide.
Embedded Assessments.
7 Day Immersive Scenario Driven Ground School.
Cementing the Fundamentals of Instruction.
Teaching of the Technical Subject Areas.
Lesson Plan Creation and Presentation.
Solving Complex Regulations and Endorsements.
Logbook Auditing.
Intensive Tailored Flight Training.
Spin Endorsement.
15 Hours Right Seat Transition.
12 Hours One on One Pre and Post Flight Briefings.